Frequently Asked Questions

What nights to we meet on?
Pack Meetings are the 1st Monday night of each month at 6:30.
Den Meetings are usually on the other Monday nights of the month at 6:30, but can change at the discretion of the den leader

Where are meetings held?
Pack and Den meetings are held in the Harris Hill Cafeteria.

Why should we join Cub Scouts?
Cub Scouts encourages positive achievements in a fun atmosphere.

How much does it cost?
Our pack dues are $60*/year which covers a Boys Life subscription, Boy Scouts registration fees and insurance and all advancement awards, our picnic, pinewood derby car, Pack T-shirt.   Certain activities (Campouts, UB bulls football games, ) have a fee attached but are not required for membership. Some costs can be defrayed by fundraising efforts, as well.

Fundraising : The Boy Scouts and Cubscouts sell  popcorn at the beginning of the year; this is Pack 93’s only fundraiser.  Because of this we ask that each scout sells a minimum of $200 dollars in popcorn. We have several show and sell events in addition to the old fashioned knock on the neighbors and relatives doors 🙂 to help the Scouts to achieve this goal.

*If the individual selling goal cannot be reached we will collect an additional $30 in dues to cover the individual scouts advancement patches, pins, blue and gold supplies, etc.

FYI… we had several boys over the years exceed well over $2000 dollars in popcorn sales!

And did you know…  there is a Scholarship program for selling popcorn:

Boy Scout -Trails End Popcorn Scholarship Program

Who should I contact for more information?
Scott Simmons; Pack Coordinator

We are the Cub Scout Pack 93, located in Harris Hill Elementary School, Clarence NY.

We are part of the Greater Niagara Frontier Council, Onondaga District

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